Search Results for: data slides

Number of Results: 78

What single purpose are your slides for?

one purpose

  The challenge in improving presentations is significant. This is due to a multitude of reasons. One of the fundamental issues though is the supportive media (p2) and addressing the very purpose of this may allow presenters a starting point…
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Where are your slides?

A great presentation is the product of three parts, the presentation (p1), the presentation (p2) and the presentation (p3). Or is it? Can one deliver a great presentation without a p2? Probably. @ffolliet or just ditch #powerpoint all together and…
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What is the optimum number of slides in a presentation?

Whats the optimum number of minutes per slide and words per slide for a presentation? @ffolliet I’ve always used 1 min/slide and 4-6 x 4-6. — David Warriner (@doctordiscodave) December 11, 2015 None. No slides. So no words.There is no…
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I need to present more data. You don’t

A frequent question from clinicians about presentations involves “all the data I need in my presentation.” I’ve addressed this before in various posts but it bears repeating. At a scientific presentation you are not there to present your data; you…
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It’s not about making pretty slides

The purpose of a great presentation is to engage the audience and give them something they didn’t have at the beginning of the talk. It may be a challenge, a call to arms, a new concept or a stimulus to…
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Changing your slides won’t improve your presentation. (much)

Too often I hear people say, “I really liked your presentation, I’m going to change my slides.” Whilst on one level I rejoice, it is not that bulletpoints themselves offend but there is so much more than just that.Our presentations,…
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I’ll talk you through this data slide…

Data slides usually resemble a “Where’s Wally?” picture. Presenters either offer to “talk you through” something like the worst slide in the world or simply talk whilst the audience desperately scan graphs and columns trying to derive meaning from facts. This should…
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how to do an online presentation

How to do an online presentation? The answer to that question is based on how one would do any other presentation. The message must be memorable, simple, and succinct. The supportive media must be inviting and simple. The delivery must…
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Size matters

Size matters

In so much of life, size matters. In presentations, size matters a lot. Size affects the nature and construction of a presentation, its delivery and reception. Size matters in the initial planning of presentation. It is essential to understand the…
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Copying is a compliment

Copying is a compliment whether in art, fashion or presentation skills. Noticing the impact or effect that something has and then utilising it personally is part of life and should definitely be part of the development of a presenter. This…
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