Tag Archive: p1

It’s not a shaggy dog story

Intro. Waffle waffle waffle, essential and potentially key interesting information. Waffle waffle waffle. Facts. Waffle waffle waffle. Build up with more key information. Waffle waffle waffle. Punchline. A great presentation is better than a shaggy dog story; it should make…
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Which part of your preparation took the most time?

A great presentation takes time. None of them fall from the heavens perfectly constructed and no great presenter steps on the stage having just written their piece last night. So which part of preparation took the most time in your…
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On speaking to a wider audience. Don’t.

The message you deliver at a presentation may physically only be received by a few people but one should consider that it has value for a much wider audience. A research discovery, a new business plan or an effective audit…
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This is a document. I am reading it. Out.

If you turn on the radio, you can tell immediately whether the piece is a news broadcast or an interview or the presenter speaking directly to you. The reason is that we speak differently to the way we write. One…
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The best title slide blogpost, ever (ii)

How does one arrive at a great title for a great title slide? With difficulty. It is the culmination of consideration of the audience needs, the “so what” of your data, the storyboard, the elevator pitch and the sparklines within…
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The best title slide blogpost, ever (i)

The title of your presentation must stimulate interest even before you start speaking. If the title slide is full of words and useless information it is likely you will have lost the audience at that point. A great presentation has…
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p cubed value of a presentation

Your presentation is the product of three component parts; the story (p1), the supportive media (p2) and the delivery (p3). The product of these three parts gives us the value of your presentation (p cubed). Relating this concept was the…
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What is the optimum number of slides in a presentation?

Whats the optimum number of minutes per slide and words per slide for a presentation? @ffolliet I’ve always used 1 min/slide and 4-6 x 4-6. — David Warriner (@doctordiscodave) December 11, 2015 None. No slides. So no words.There is no…
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A good presentation doesn’t need slides, does it?

An interesting question and a good topic for debate when presentation geeks get together and have a few beers. (We do get together and have a few beers!) @stemlyns @_NMay @gracie_leo @OliFlower @ffolliet @srrezaie @EM_Educator does anyone think good Med…
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Reading the dictionary out loud.

Guten ist mir Freude hier meine Damen. Es Herren Abend eine zu und sein. That is just a list of German words in a meaningless order. I am hoping it doesn’t mean anything (bad) but using it as a metaphor for the problem of teaching. Simply…
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