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This is the introductory paragraph. It is difficult to understand the origin but a combination of the perfect script and the perfect handout has led to the annotation of absolutely everything in a presentation.

This is the second paragraph. Your audience really is quite intelligent and although it may have become de rigeur, as have multiple bulletpoints, there really is no need in either the speech (p1) or the supportive media (p2) to tirelessly highlight to the audience which section you are in.

In this, the third paragraph, we will discuss educational theory. Educational theory does have sway that people like to know where they are within a presentation, what it is all about and where it will end. This is reasonable but has led to presenters worldwide feeling that a large percentage of their presentation should be devoted to describing the presentation and not delivering it. Realistically, if they are so lost as to need huge signposts I would suggest you actually just give up.

Think about it. In this paragraph, the fourth overall, we should try to remember a film where we see descriptive headlines identifying the “Aim” of the film. Are there times during a play where all the action stops and a character strides purposefully across stage with a placard saying “The Climax of the Play”? Admittedly at the end of Shakespearian plays the actor will comment on the epilogue they deliver but we don’t need signage in presentations. Whatever your supervisor says. Why not, as Rosalind does, simply tell the audience?

This is the conclusion. Or is it?

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