p cubed presentations

p cubed presentations

p cubed presentations

p cubed presentations is a concept about presentations and how to improve them. The aim is to share ideas about presentations and their construction, design and delivery to keep the message from being lost, in time, like tears in rain.
If you’re looking for a mission statement, you’ll find it here.

p cubed presentations – how to use the site

Originally this site was a series of blog posts. But as the library grew, I decided to reorganise them as a resource structured around the p cubed idea.
Use the pull-down menu to find key posts and the most recent uploads in each category.
Each post essentially answers a single question but also links to other posts to give further explanations on specific topics. If you want just to catch up on the latest posts go here.

p cubed presentations – concepts

The basic p cubed concept is that a presentation is the product of three presentations; the story (p1), the supportive media (p2) and its delivery (p3). Combined, they create the p cubed value.

The science of fail is a discussion on the science behind the reasons presentations as we currently know them fail.

It’s important to construct a presentation in the following order: tell your audience the “story” so they can discover its nature (p1); illustrate it (p2) and then prepare for its delivery (p3). Failure to follow this approach will result in hysteron proteron, wherein you put the cart before the horse.

Once you understand this structure, check out the series of step-by-step guides on How To Do A Presentation #htdap

Check out the FAQ page for quick answers, which also link to blogs if you’re looking for something that dives deeper into the subject.

p cubed presentations – examples

There’s a series of guest blogs from colleagues who have used this technique to improve their presentations. If you would like to add your voice, please let me know.

You’ll find helpful podcasts on some of these issues, and I’m always looking for new topics. I’ll also be adding a series of videos covering presentations to the site in the near future.

p cubed presentations – development

The blogs are published fairly regularly, and are often responses to questions and discussions from twitter. Please follow @ffolliet and join the discussion there. Each post has a comments section and this too should add to the debate.

Please don’t feel I have all the knowledge, join the debate on twitter and together, we can improve presentations.

I’ve started a series of webinars, check out the current options here.

Lastly, if you would like me to visit your place of work, a conference or organisation to give a p cubed presentation or run a workshop, then just leave a message. We can talk!


with thanks to Ian Summers for his amazing photo.

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