p cubed

A presentation is made of three component parts; the story (p1), the supportive media (p2) and the delivery of these (p3). The value of a presentation is the product of these three factors, the p cubed value.

The three components are discussed in more depth in their individual sections. This section deals with the p cubed value, the product of preparation, design, and delivery.

Some key posts include:

Your presentation is the product of its parts (The FIRST blog post)

The maths of a better presentation

Don’t put the cart before the horse

The p cubed value of a presentation

What if…?

It is a privilege to travel the world sharing ideas on improving presentation skills. An encouragement is that many people know and understand that their presentations could be better and they recognise easy steps to improve. Yet they are resistant…
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JFDI. Do it!

Let’s face it: most presenters already know their approach isn’t working. They recognize the glazed-over looks, the restless shifting in seats, and the distracted scrolling through phones. Deep down, many suspect there’s a better way to deliver presentations, yet feel…
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The audience factor

the audience factor

The audience factor in an online presentation significantly changes the perceived impact of that presentation. The value of any presentation is the product of the message, media and delivery. Importantly this value is in the opinion of the individual audience…
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Please join me in thanking the last speaker

Please join me in thanking the last speaker

Please join me in thanking the last speaker. I am totally serious here, please DO join me and thank the speakers who perform in virtual arenas. The cultural norm of an audience to applaud and congratulate a speaker at a…
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Bad online presentations are your fault

Bad online presentations are your fault. Online presentations are much, much harder to construct and deliver effectively and yet despite this, the vast majority of online presenters have no training in the new media, made no allowances for the entirely…
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aaaaaaaaagh. My response to her Majesty’s Government Emergency Broadcast presentation regarding the 2nd Lockdown for Covid-19 at 7pm 31st October 2020. My response is not because I am against the lockdown. My response is not because I am so disappointed…
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Focus is key

focus is key

Focus is key in a successful presentation. During a live presentation this focus is principally under the control of the presenter. In an online presentation where distractions may be mutiple and outwith the control or even knowledge of the presenter,…
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webinar or online presentation


Webinars or online presentations are not simply presentations delivered online. In the current climate, many colleagues may be considering “distance” learning alternatives to a standard conference presentation. Specific issues must be addressed to make a webinar or online presentation an…
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A friend told me of a story heard as a small child about a little girl walking on the beach with her father. They discovered hundreds of starfish washed up beyond the tide. It appeared the starfish couldn’t make it…
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Shared emotion and vulnerability

sharing emotion and vulnerability

The presentations I have delivered with the most significant impact have been those in which I have shared emotion and vulnerability. Garr Reynolds in his book, “The Naked Presenter” draws the analogy that audiences truly value such a connection but…
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