Search Results for: be the change

Number of Results: 182

How to engage online audiences

How to engage online audiences is a real challenge. There are a multiplicity of distractions and the audience has learned, very quickly, that the majority of online presentations are worse than their in-person brothers. The challenge to engage the audience…
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Your powerpoint is not the presentation

hugely complex slide with diagram and data graph supported by massive amount of unreadable text

Your PowerPoint is not the presentation. If you believe that it is, then you have entirely missed the point of every single presentation you have ever “delivered” or “received”. You are not alone in this erroneous belief but you are…
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One more time…

one more time...

One more time… please stop using bullet points and text in presentations. Ask any audience member what they hate most about presentations and you will receive the same answer. There is an overwhelming volume of research data on why text…
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The audience factor

the audience factor

The audience factor in an online presentation significantly changes the perceived impact of that presentation. The value of any presentation is the product of the message, media and delivery. Importantly this value is in the opinion of the individual audience…
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You’re doing it wrong(er)

doing it wrong(er)

You’re doing it wrong if you think a presentation is simply reading out PowerPoint. You are doing it wrong(er) (sic) if you do that online. An online presentation is much more of a challenge than a live presentation for multiple…
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Support Riders

I am going to cycle from sunrise to sunset. This will be a significant personal, physical and mental challenge for me. I’m grateful to lots of folks who have already helped me get this far in training and support and…
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Images should explain themselves

Images should explain themselves with clarity being added by the speaker or an additional word but principally achieved in composition. There should never be the need for a laser pointer, The Mac Spotlight or worse, the computer mouse. The supportive…
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Please join me in thanking the last speaker

Please join me in thanking the last speaker

Please join me in thanking the last speaker. I am totally serious here, please DO join me and thank the speakers who perform in virtual arenas. The cultural norm of an audience to applaud and congratulate a speaker at a…
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online presentation setup

a setup for recording videos and giving online presentations

Online presentation setup is as important for the delivery of an excellent online presentation as in person. All aspects of p3 (delivery); audio-visual, technical and personal must be maximised. There are usually dedicated support staff to assist at an in-person…
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Tell me why

tell me why

Tell me why people believe that reading out huge lists of facts to a passive audience is effective communication? Tell me why we put huge lists of facts on our slides? Tell me why, when we present, we look at…
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