Search Results for: be the change

Number of Results: 182

best presentation

best presentation

People often remark the best presentation they remember was when the presenter arrived and the p2 failed before delivery. ” The best presentation is of course a compliment and it means that the p cubed value was significant, that there…
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guest blog- losing bulletpoints helped me find my voice

losing bulletpoints

Thank you to Carrie Thomas for her insights and thoughts on her #presentationskills journey   There are key moments of feedback that stick with you and can be practise changing. For presenting, my development journey started back in 2015 with…
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Listening is not learning

listening is not learning

Listening is not learning. The impact of The Matrix thought that reading is not teaching recently struck me as having an important and essential corollary; listening is not learning. This has clear implications for the presenter in their construction of…
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information is not knowledge

information is not knowledge

Information is not knowledge. Sitting in a library does not make you clever. Pouring water over your head does not satisfy a thirst. Reading out a ton of information in a presentation does not make the audience cleverer. It may…
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electronic polling

electronic polling

Electronic polling directly involves the audience in a presentation. The exact purpose of this interaction must be established in the preparation. The vote itself may leave the presenter with a result that is unexpected or undesired and this may challenge…
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facts are enough

There is a belief among some presenters that the truth and import of a message will speak for itself. This is incorrect. Through history there have been many important and model changing messages that have failed due to the nature…
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marginal gains

marginal gains

Marginal gains across all aspects of a presentation will bring significant improvement in the perceived value of a presentation. This is about the maths of the p cubed concept where the value is the product of the component parts, remembering…
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Interview presentations

interview presentations

Interview presentations are perhaps one of the most stressful presentations delivered; there is more resting on the presentation than the just the facts themselves. The purpose of the piece is to assess the candidate’s ability to address a problem, define…
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listing facts

listing facts

Listing facts is the basis of most presentations. It is not effective teaching. The education value of such a presentation is very small, possibly even negative. As the audience read along they are not learning, merely processing. Presentations fail not…
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the night before

the night before

The night before Christmas is an oft-quoted poem that brought me to consider what The Good Presenter should be doing the night before The Big Presentation. Reflecting on what I personally been doing the night before a big piece humbles…
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