Holby City NHS Trust is a fictional hospital in a TV show called Holby City. It was created by Tony McHale and Mal Young as a spin-off from the established BBC medical drama Casualty and premiered on 12 January 1999. This British medical show is beloved of non-medical viewers as they gain insights into the drama of medicine and those who are involved in care of patients. Most people who actually work in such hospitals really don’t like the show at all as it is entirely unrealistic about patients, staff, medicine and the drama surrounding them. That’s entertainment.
Don’t use icons. If you wanted to go to Holby City NHS Trust you would probably know that you had arrived at Holby City NHS Trust because you followed directions to get to Holby City NHS Trust and when you arrived there you knew you were at Holby City NHS Trust because there is a big sign on the front door of Holby City NHS Trust declaring that this is Holby City NHS Trust. Helpfully though, every single sign within Holby City NHS Trust re-confirms that you are in fact still in Holby City NHS Trust.
If someone sends a letter from Holby City NHS Trust it is printed onHolby City NHS Trust headed notepaper. It also says it at the bottom in case the letter from Holby City NHS Trust confused you and you worried that the bottom of the letter from Holby City NHS Trust wasn’t from the people who put the heading on the notepaper from Holby City NHS Trust and sent the letter from Holby City NHS Trust. Helpfully, all sheets of paper that come in the same envelope from Holby City NHS Trust also have Holby City NHS Trust printed at the top of the letter. And also at the bottom. Don’t use icons.
If you go to the Holby City NHS Trust, all members of staff should wear an identification badge that will tell you their name. This will be a Holby City NHS Trust id badge. You will know this because the doctor or nurse in Holby City NHS Trust will be wearing a badge that announces it is from Holby City NHS Trust. Their uniform at Holby City NHS Trust also tells you that they work at Holby City NHS Trust. It is important that as well as knowing the name of your carer in Holby City NHS Trust you also need to know which hospital they work for. They work for Holby City NHS Trust in Holby City NHS Trust.
Don’t use icons on slides. If you really must (and you don’t), put it on the placeholder slide. And possibly on the slide showing during questions. Not on every slide.
Good point, well made.
By the way it’s easy to spot that Holby City is not an NHS hospital.
The scrubs they wear come from Happythreads, are made from decent material and arrive back from the laundry IRONED!