Be the change you want to see in the delivery of presentations. The online milieu is not the same as a live presentation. Failure to recognise this and consequently just doing the same old reading out of your slides is the principal reason online presentations fail; the audience completely disengages. You know what you don’t like in presentations, so be that change.
The opening phrase is credited to Mahatma Gandhi although it is itself a paraphrase of the lines below. Whatever our view of the man, his legacy and all of his actions there is a reflection on life that can be turned to our view of presentations. Most presenters simply mirror the world and do exactly as they see others doing. And yet we know that is precisely what we dislike.

What is required is for us, as individuals, is to change our own nature, not waiting on others to do the same and that, in life and in presentations, will be a wonderful thing and a source of our own, and others happiness. Rather than one person or a book or a guru telling us how to improve online presentations, look inside yourself and see where you would like to see change. And do that thing. You are wise. You have insights. You are not other people. Change. And be a wonderful thing and the source of your own happiness.