Ideas, music and memes are time-specific in popular culture or presentations. Their use in a presentation may not convey the desired impact to the whole audience. Be aware of such limitations in the construction and delivery of presentations.

American President and international cultural icon, John F Kennedy famously said, “Today, in the world of freedom, the proudest boast is “Ich bin ein Berliner!” Use of this phrase today would only have the anti-communist impact on a very small percentage of an audience. Sadly, many would wrongly believe Kennedy was making a fool of himself. Your favourite piece of music strikes the perfect tone for you, meaning so much and conveying everything. A colleague pointing out that it was released in the late 1900s may change the moment if heard together in a bar. A casual, Star Wars reference in a presentation may amuse or inspire one colleague but leave others believing your grammar is confused.
Does this mean that we should only use ideas, music and memes that are current? Referencing blockchain as an example of data security will work for some but not all. Knowing that Charli XCX references defibrillators in her hit “360” may hit hard with a few, most would be confused. Adding a green wash to faces in your presentation to reference Elphaba Thropp may have some wrongly believing it was Princess Fiona. Ideas, music and memes are of their time and their use in a presentation may add meaning, for others, it may confuse or detract, even if completely up to date.
Those who have seen my polemic presentation on p cubed presentations will be aware of The Matrix meme being used. I use green, computerised text at the very beginning and slowly introduce “Matrix rain” building to the climax where I say, “One of my favourite films is the 1999 film The Matrix in which Morpheus explains to Neo, that the world they exist in is not as they perceive it. The same is true for our world of medical education.” I am challenging the reality of medical education.
There is, of course, no hard and fast answer. I believe that we can use ideas, music and memes to add depth and meaning to our presentations but may need explanation to work best. The Matrix meme works for those who have seen the film and “get” the reference early but also for those who are aware and begin to question what is happening as they become aware of the purpose. Eventually, it is explained, clearly, to everyone. Design matters. It can help and it can hinder. Be thoughtful, maybe even demure and mindful?