p cubed

A presentation is made of three component parts; the story (p1), the supportive media (p2) and the delivery of these (p3). The value of a presentation is the product of these three factors, the p cubed value.

The three components are discussed in more depth in their individual sections. This section deals with the p cubed value, the product of preparation, design, and delivery.

Some key posts include:

Your presentation is the product of its parts (The FIRST blog post)

The maths of a better presentation

Don’t put the cart before the horse

The p cubed value of a presentation

Haters gonna hate

haters gonna hate

Haters gonna hate sang Miss Swift. And she’s right, haters gonna hate. Whether that is about your lifestyle choices, musical tastes or indeed presentation style, haters gonna hate. The most important thing to remember is that the hate is about…
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Size matters

Size matters

In so much of life, size matters. In presentations, size matters a lot. Size affects the nature and construction of a presentation, its delivery and reception. Size matters in the initial planning of presentation. It is essential to understand the…
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Copying is a compliment

Copying is a compliment whether in art, fashion or presentation skills. Noticing the impact or effect that something has and then utilising it personally is part of life and should definitely be part of the development of a presenter. This…
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Speak Chinese

Approximately 13% of the world speak Chinese. That does not mean you should deliver your presentation in Mandarin to the Yorkshire Paediatric Trainees Annual Scientific Meeting. There is no single way to present, not even p cubed presentation style. We…
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Summary slides

spaced repetition

Summary slides are the latest fashion. Variously titled “Take home messages”, “conclusions” and “summary” they are increasing in use and sadly in number during presentations. They are the message the presenter wants the audience to take home and they conclude…
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Message not story

Message not story is the basis of a good presentation. We must communicate effectively with our audience and leave them with a message regarding the information delivered not simply a story about it or, even worse, a list of facts….
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What is p cubed presentation style?

What is p cubed presentation style? A radical approach to presentations, based in science that aspires to help presenters everywhere deliver effective presentations, engage with their audiences and share insights, inspiration and ideas so that they are retained rather than…
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Women presenters

Women presenters

I’ve been privileged to share the stage with some amazing presenters. I wondered out loud with colleagues whether there were specific challenges pertinent to women delivering presentations. I’m really grateful to a friend who spoke immediately before me at Fix17…
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Your script


Your script is what you want to say. You should write out precisely what you want to say and edit it until perfect.You should never read your script nor attempt to memorise it. You should put away to your script…
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Speaking in tongues

Speaking in tongues

Speaking in tongues they say is one of the Gifts of The Spirit. It must be accompanied by Interpretation of tongues. Delivering or receiving a presentation in a foreign tongue should not prevent the audience receiving a single, clear and…
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