Your presentation is the product of its parts

A presentation, whether it is an audit project, your research thesis, clinical teaching or a business case is made up of three parts: the presentation (the story), the presentation (the slideset) and the presentation (the delivery). The construction of the presentation is therefore key to its impact and success. Powerpoint, or equivalent slideware presentations are ubiquitous. There is an almost universal conformity in the nature of the slidesets generated, based upon the concept that this represents the most effective means of transfer of information.

Is it though?

Many presentations are constructed almost totally on the slideware platform. Text is entered directly to build the slide set and from this the story is constructed. The delivery of the piece is therefore constrained by this initial construct and its impact is the sum of these parts.

A presentation built on a carefully crafted story, designed for the individual audience, supported by an illustrative slideset and delivered with passion and practice will be more, much more than the presentation built around bulletpoints; its impact is the product, not the sum of its parts.

This blog aims to discuss and build upon this concept, offering opportunities for discussion and learning around the nature, construction and delivery of presentations to maximise the impact and success of presentations.

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