Search Results for: be the change

Number of Results: 183

Don’t get me wrong.

The reason that most text based presentations suck is because science. It would be wrong to assume that this means text is banned from presentations, far from it. It is totally acceptable to use text in the supportive media (p2)….
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That’s not how you spell prezentation


The original website for this blog was at Blogger and the blog url was : preZENtationskills. This is in tribute to my Sensei, Garr Reynolds and his seminal blogsite Presentation Zen. His first post there was ten years ago and…
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Where, precisely are you going?

The key mistake made in preparing a presentation is in failing to identify purpose. “What is your objective, relative to this subject, in talking to this group, today?” The answer to that question can usefully be quantified in the elevator…
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Chicken or egg? Both are wrong

I recently had the privilige of being interviewed by Jesse Spurr for his Injectable Orange podcast. One of topics we chatted about was the ‘ole standard of “why do we have text in presentations?” There is a degree of chicken…
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Guest blog- presenting with owls, not text.

I’m very pleased to offer another guest post on the blog, this time from Dr Simon Saunders @Novomix30 on his experience of improving his presentations. “I had been following @ffolliet and his p3 blog posts for quite some time, interested in…
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It is a performance, not a reading.

The 4th P in Presentation is to Perform. Clearly this is the most important. Even having perfected all of the preceding parts of your presentation if you simply stand on the stage and speak as though in conversation to the…
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The 2nd P is for Preparation.

Each part of your presentation is as important as the others. It is essential that we address delivery of our presentation in our journey towards improvement. In a previous post I covered the 5Ps of Presentation, the first and most…
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Take a chance.

It is my pleasure to introduce another guest blog this time from a twitter friend @Liz_ORiordan on her experiences with a different approach to presentations than the “tried and tested” method. “Hello, my name is Liz Ball, I’m a Consultant Breast…
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Fake it

The previous post introduced some of the ideas I have around p3, the delivery of your presentation.As this blog is not a stepwise instruction manual I am going to deal with stuff just as it comes up and recently a…
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The 5 Ps of Presentation

In order to improve the value of a presentation one must construct an excellent story (p1), design appropriate and supportive media (p2) but ultimately all of this will come to naught if you fail to deliver it (p3). For many,…
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