Search Results for: be the change

Number of Results: 183

Plug and go (1)

plug and play

Some presenters expect to turn up for their big presentation, plug and go. Many are disappointed. Being prepared for plug and go problems will cut your tension at a time when you need it the least. Always arrive early, meet…
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Can you see this at the back?

can you see this at the back

The p2 is usually constructed on a laptop or desktop computer where the final slide size often fills the screen. The size of font is reduced as more and more detail is added. What may appear clear and legible on…
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Resting face

resting face

Human beings are social animals. Exceptionally subtle changes in facial expression can convey huge amounts of information. Fights and love affairs have turned on the tiniest of eye movements, deals have been lost because of perceived slurs in the twitch of…
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Body language – hands

body language hand

Once a presenter steps out from behind the lectern there are a whole lots of issues that need to be addressed related to body language. Moving about the stage needs to be purposeful and choreographed. Hands that previously gripped the…
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Thank you!

thank you

I was recently working with a colleague who had developed an excellent presentation. The final slide was incongruous. It had a beautiful image with the words “Thank you” on it. Your last slide should be the defining image, lasting message and…
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Lessons from The Sensei (4) creativity

creativity lesson

In the 4th of a series of Lessons I learned from a presentation by Garr Reynolds (my Sensei) I’d like to consider creativity in presentations. Delivering a presentation is more than reading a list of facts. Changing the facts into…
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It all about the delivery

all about delivery

The best story in the world p1, supported by the most amazing media p2 is nothing if the delivery fails. This is the fear of every performer whether they are a presenter or one of the biggest rock stars in…
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Why do we present like this? (podcast)

why do we present like this

Why do people present the way they do? There are a multitude of reasons and yet the reasons we dislike presentations don’t stop the majority of people producing exactly the same. What are the problems and how can we change?

Guest post on vegemite and presentations

In  the next in an ever increasing group of guest posts is a piece from Cian McDermott a friend and collaborator working in Melbourne, Australia. Cian has taken up the challenge of improving his presentation and gives his view on the…
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Meanwhile, over at St Emlyn’s…

It is a pleasure to be a Visiting Professor at the virtual hospital of St Emlyn’s situated in the teeming metropolis that is Virchester. The “hospital” has some of the most eminent, hard working and caring professionals it has been my pleasure…
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