Tag Archive: p cubed

Less is more

Less words.Less complexity.Less facts.Less bulletpoints.Less datapoints.Less graphs.Less clip art.Less annotation.Less slides.Less rambling.Less apologising.Less time.Less is more.

It’s just not scientific…

Recently I shared ideas with a colleague about presentations and she significantly altered the supportive media (p2) of her upcoming presentation. She was very pleased with her performance and the reception of the presentation by the audience (p cubed) but…
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Your “powerpoint” is not the message, it supports the message.

I did a little talk in late November 2013 at TEDx Stuttgart. I am hoping to write a few posts around the construction and delivery of the whole thing but it is pertinent once again to highlight the role of…
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@ffolliet would be proud…(2)

More pride as more friends and colleagues make better and better presentations and suggest that I am at least partly catalytic in the process. I do keep encouraging them that it is their own decision to make the move towards…
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PechaKucha :Twenty, 20 sec tips.

I recently had the opportunity to present at a PechaKucha event. The word itself means “chitchat” in Japanese and is a presentation format with a strict structure; twenty slides, each moving forward automatically after twenty seconds. I thought I would…
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Open house

If a blog post falls in the forest, does anyone hear? I don’t know. What do YOU think? Do you agree with what’s written here? How would you change presentation skills? Do you love Prezi? Is there a place for…
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Hope springs eternal.

Your audience has high expectations of your presentation and it is good to know that they support you, truly, and want the best for you. Nervous or inexperienced presenters should draw succour from this, the audience really do want you…
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My Boss won’t like it…

This isn’t another post persuading you to give up bulletpoints; if you’ve come this far and still cling to them, then you are deluded. This is a post about why it can be difficult to give better presentations. Sadly, not…
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The perfect handout

I was watching a colleague preparing a presentation the other day. (I know, it took all that was within in me but I did just sit and watch. Oh, okay, inwardly I was in turmoil but he seemed happy in…
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It’s an important meeting I have lots of facts to deliver I didn’t have time People expect it It’s my script I need it for confidence I can print it off as a handout I don’t care I think it…
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