Search Results for: audience needs

Number of Results: 80

Advocacy needs more than numbers

advocacy requires more than numbers

The story of Ignaz Semmelweiss should be encouragement to many presenters that advocacy needs more than numbers to persuade audiences. Data alone, despite the underlying belief of many audiences, is not enough. Data requires context, connection and perspective. The skill…
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Needs no introduction

“Our next speaker needs no introduction whatsoever as she is famous worldwide for her inspirational and incredible presentations. I would say she is one of the best presenters I have ever seen.” oh. Please never introduce anyone like that, even…
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Please don’t read your script

Please don’t read your script, particularly when you are delivering online presentations. None of us is actually able to deliver effectively by reading and the audience is significantly negatively affected. This is much more pronounced in an online presentation compared…
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Tell me your data

Tell me your data so that I can understand your message. Any presentation, whether that is a scientific conference, a government briefing or a business plan relies on the data to support the single identifiable and memorable message. A graphical…
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Top 10 tips

A recent tweet from a colleague Edd Broad asked me for my top 10 tips on giving presentations to a large group. Being a man of a certain age, a certain musical upbringing and a certain literary experience, top 10s…
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the five p’s of presentation

five peas

The five p’s of presentation are planning, preparation, consistency, practise and performance. An understanding of the place and importance of each of the 5 p’s of presentation will transform any piece from just being one of the many average presentations…
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structure helps


Structure helps both the presenter and the audience. It underpins the message, the media and the delivery. Structure is essential. Without structure a presentation is challenging to deliver, seldom has impact and is easily forgotten; the value will be lost,…
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Just talk.

just talk

Just talk. When presenting one must have a message that works for the individual audience. Those presenters who simply talk or list facts are just a clanging bell. As George Bernard Shaw perhaps said ‘The single biggest problem in communication…
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Version 1 is never the best

version 1

Version 1 of your presentation is never the best version. Most presenters, given the opportunity to revisit a presentation for another audience, make changes and deliver an improved version 2. Yet few make similar changes to version 1 before its…
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My First Teaching Session

my first teaching session

I appreciate that sometime the comments on the site relate to more major presentations such as keynote and large scientific conferences. The challenge of How To Do A Presentation #htdap has been covered in a few specific posts before ;…
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