Search Results for: Science

Number of Results: 40

p cubed presentations

p cubed presentations

p cubed presentations p cubed presentations is a concept about presentations and how to improve them. The aim is to share ideas about presentations and their construction, design and delivery to keep the message from being lost, in time, like tears…
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Lessons from The Sensei (4) creativity

creativity lesson

In the 4th of a series of Lessons I learned from a presentation by Garr Reynolds (my Sensei) I’d like to consider creativity in presentations. Delivering a presentation is more than reading a list of facts. Changing the facts into…
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Lost in time, like tears in rain (podcast)

lost in time

No  one sets out to give a poor presentation. The sad reality is that the majority of presentations are lost to the audience before they have even left the auditorium, the information is, “lost in time like tears in rain.”…
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Meanwhile, over at St Emlyn’s…

It is a pleasure to be a Visiting Professor at the virtual hospital of St Emlyn’s situated in the teeming metropolis that is Virchester. The “hospital” has some of the most eminent, hard working and caring professionals it has been my pleasure…
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My First Teaching Session

my first teaching session

I appreciate that sometime the comments on the site relate to more major presentations such as keynote and large scientific conferences. The challenge of How To Do A Presentation #htdap has been covered in a few specific posts before ;…
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Movement on stage

movement on stage

A real step forward in #presentationskills is out from behind the lectern. This simple movement on stage engages the audience and frees the presenter. It also leaves some speakers unsure of what to do next. Recently I’ve observed a few…
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One small step, one giant leap.

one small step

With a few simple words and one tiny step, one man changed everything: “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” Neil Armstrong stepped off the bottom rung of the ladder of The Eagle landing craft onto another world,…
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Cognitive load

cognitive load

Can you count to ten? Can you pat your head? Can you rub your tummy? Can you read? Of course you can. So, do each of these simple task right now, together. Or at least try. Come on! They are simple tasks….
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New Year’s Resolution

The new year is upon us and by now most of the resolutions will have slipped by like the flood water. It’s not too late though to make that decision to change your life, to give up a ridiculous and…
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It’s for you…

There’s a great post over on at giving an impassioned plea from audiences in scientific meetings about what “powerpoint” is doing to medical conferences and how changing it makes a massive difference. Yet still the call from those who oppose…
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