Retro fitted presentations are really not very good. If you have constructed (and delivered) a presentation and have decided to carry out some of the p cubed concepts in your work, the best advice is not to retro fit an old presentation with this approach. Custom cars, refurbished houses and renovated furniture can, of course, be beautiful but to make this takes a huge amount of time, money and talent. (And actually what is left of the original is usually very little.) It is better for a presentation to build an entirely new presentation than having one retro fitted.
The majority of “old” presentations were built directly in power point. They were p2 constructions. They were intended as a data download, not transmitting a message. The supportive media was intended as a document with all the information intended to be taken away, as a print off and ultimately function as a script as well; the slideument. It does not work. Deconstructing that will deliver only the original p2 power point. This will be a challenging process in the deconstruction and unrewarding as a new, improved publication. New presentations should not be retro fitted old presentations.
The reason the retro fitted approach should be discarded is that a presentation must be built primarily as a message (p1) that is subsequently illustrated (p2). Trying to fit a message to an established structure pre-supposes that the structure is correct. In the p cubed approach this is exceptionally unlikely; a message is not the same as a download. Learning is not the converse of teaching. The p1 must be constructed with the intention of sharing information, not listing it. It is about its use not its content. A presentation retro fitted will not achieve this.
The p cubed approach to a presentation works best by constructing a presentation as a message (p1) and illustrating that (p2). An old presentation will not be easily or well retro fitted in this process as, at its essential core, it is a slideument, purely a p2. Illustrating what has been said is very different from talking about your illustrations.