p cubed

A presentation is made of three component parts; the story (p1), the supportive media (p2) and the delivery of these (p3). The value of a presentation is the product of these three factors, the p cubed value.

The three components are discussed in more depth in their individual sections. This section deals with the p cubed value, the product of preparation, design, and delivery.

Some key posts include:

Your presentation is the product of its parts (The FIRST blog post)

The maths of a better presentation

Don’t put the cart before the horse

The p cubed value of a presentation

Speaking in tongues

Speaking in tongues

Speaking in tongues they say is one of the Gifts of The Spirit. It must be accompanied by Interpretation of tongues. Delivering or receiving a presentation in a foreign tongue should not prevent the audience receiving a single, clear and…
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Crushing the scariest talk of your life

crushing your next presentation

The purpose of guest blog posts is to advertise the amazing work others are doing in improving presentation skills. I am humbled and privileged that three such folk have shared their insights. This post is important in many way, not…
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best presentation

best presentation

People often remark the best presentation they remember was when the presenter arrived and the p2 failed before delivery. ” The best presentation is of course a compliment and it means that the p cubed value was significant, that there…
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a p cubed presenter

p cubed presenter

A p cubed presenter* is surely the aspiration of any presenter; a presenter who has constructed a story with an effective message, illustrated it with media that supports and amplifies their message and supremely delivered with passion, engagement and clarity….
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facts are enough

There is a belief among some presenters that the truth and import of a message will speak for itself. This is incorrect. Through history there have been many important and model changing messages that have failed due to the nature…
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marginal gains

marginal gains

Marginal gains across all aspects of a presentation will bring significant improvement in the perceived value of a presentation. This is about the maths of the p cubed concept where the value is the product of the component parts, remembering…
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the night before

the night before

The night before Christmas is an oft-quoted poem that brought me to consider what The Good Presenter should be doing the night before The Big Presentation. Reflecting on what I personally been doing the night before a big piece humbles…
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The Gettysburg Address

gettysburg address

The Gettysburg Address was delivered at the dedication of the Soldiers’ National Cemetery in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, in memory of the fallen soldiers from the pivotal and bloody civil war battle fought there some four months earlier. The speech had been planned for…
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great presentations

great presentations

Great presentations are in the eye of the beholder. Not everyone agrees on what makes a great presentation any more than they agree on the best film (Gregory’s Girl), best alt-folk/modern-Americana band (The Barr Brothers) or best Paediatric Surgical Department…
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