Search Results for: be the change

Number of Results: 183

Lessons from The Sensei (2) Turn off the computer

turn off the computer

Continuing the series of thoughts I learned from The Sensei on design issues, perhaps the most important is to turn off the computer. The rationale behind this is clear, the results are immediately observable and yet few people will follow…
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Making p cubed stick

make it stick

It is always encouraging to hear how others have considered improving their #presentationskills and the results of their work. I’m grateful to Patrick Bafuma @EMinfocus who submitted this guest blog. It is insightful, encouraging and inspiring.     Making P3…
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Why are you presenting?

The most important question a presenter should address is “Why am I presenting?” The answer has nothing to do with your status, your previous presentations or your knowledge and everything to do with the audience. Recognising this is central to…
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What is the best presentation software?

What is the best presentation software? There’s a fair number to chose from and realistically the answer is, the one you know best. There are pros and cons for each that are available but there is no need for the…
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My First Teaching Session

my first teaching session

I appreciate that sometime the comments on the site relate to more major presentations such as keynote and large scientific conferences. The challenge of How To Do A Presentation #htdap has been covered in a few specific posts before ;…
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It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

The best books, the best films and the best presentations start with an attention grabber. “Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen. A retrospective review of prenatal ultrasound in South East Thames,” is unlikely to do that. If you grab the attention of…
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The last post.

the last post

On Tuesday 5th March 2013 I first posted on the blog site Blogger. 217 posts later, this is the last post. What started out as just one bloke growling about the state of presentations has grown into a something that…
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Movement on stage

movement on stage

A real step forward in #presentationskills is out from behind the lectern. This simple movement on stage engages the audience and frees the presenter. It also leaves some speakers unsure of what to do next. Recently I’ve observed a few…
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What single purpose are your slides for?

one purpose

  The challenge in improving presentations is significant. This is due to a multitude of reasons. One of the fundamental issues though is the supportive media (p2) and addressing the very purpose of this may allow presenters a starting point…
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Dual screen projection

dual projection problems

Dual projection screens showing the same image is a bad idea. It is bad for speakers and bad for the audience. Sometimes it may be necessary but if this is the only option a good speaker needs to make changes to…
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