Tag Archive: p3

Your “powerpoint” is not the message, it supports the message.

I did a little talk in late November 2013 at TEDx Stuttgart. I am hoping to write a few posts around the construction and delivery of the whole thing but it is pertinent once again to highlight the role of…
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@ffolliet would be proud…(2)

More pride as more friends and colleagues make better and better presentations and suggest that I am at least partly catalytic in the process. I do keep encouraging them that it is their own decision to make the move towards…
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You’re boring me.

Seriously, I’ve heard this all before. You need a presentation on your cv/portfolio. You’ve asked the boss who said, “please review my last x cases of” something not very interesting. You’ve managed to find x-y and, after subtracting z because…
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Who cares?

Seriously, what is the point? Why should I bother? Why should I give you my attention, my time and my interest? What is in it for me? What makes your presentation worth anything more than the other ones here today?…
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I know, but could I really DO it…

I realise it is all well and good me waxing lyrical about “changing the way we present” but I probably don’t recognise just how hard it is to break away from established form and make that first “better” presentation. Various…
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PechaKucha :Twenty, 20 sec tips.

I recently had the opportunity to present at a PechaKucha event. The word itself means “chitchat” in Japanese and is a presentation format with a strict structure; twenty slides, each moving forward automatically after twenty seconds. I thought I would…
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This applies to your story (p1)This applies to your supporting media (p2)This applies to your delivery (p3)If you consider the arc of the story first (please do) then instead of attempting to deliver all known facts, consider the audience and…
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My Boss won’t like it…

This isn’t another post persuading you to give up bulletpoints; if you’ve come this far and still cling to them, then you are deluded. This is a post about why it can be difficult to give better presentations. Sadly, not…
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So, I was wrong.

I’ve got a confession. I was wrong. I don’t think you lot are up to it.The best way to construct a presentation is to construct a story (p1), storyboard that idea and then consider supporting media for that story. Everyone…
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What sort of presenter are you?

One of the tests of a descriptive model such as the p cubed concept (p3) (that a good presentation is a combination (the product) of the story (p1), the supportive media (p2) and the delivery (p3)) is that it bears…
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