Search Results for: be the change

Number of Results: 183

When imperfect is perfect.

when imperfect is perfect #FOAMed #ffoiliet

The p cubed value of your presentation is not what you think it is. It is never about how you think your presentation went but always what the audience thinks, or better, what the audience feels. This should change how…
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One small step, one giant leap.

one small step

With a few simple words and one tiny step, one man changed everything: “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” Neil Armstrong stepped off the bottom rung of the ladder of The Eagle landing craft onto another world,…
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Slideument – obvious or oblivious

As  a medical educator (of sorts) I have been following the #AMEE2016 feed with interest and some sadness. An International Association for Medical Education is meeting in Barcelona to share ideas and inspire educators. There are so many great ideas but…
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A scientific presentation at BBTS Conference

conference logo

Think of the best scientific presentation you have watched. It captured your interest as soon as it began, asked a question pertinent to your specific needs and proceeded to succinctly answer that question leaving you with a purpose to change…
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Credit where credit is due.

credit where credit is due

In a previous post I recalled my sadness of hearing a colleague say “what he suggests is interesting, but I wouldn’t do it for an important presentation.” He was expressing the difficulty of change, the challenge of stepping out from…
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Feel better, not more

For some presenters, there is a striving after perfection that drives them to constantly tinker with presentations before delivery. No presentation will ever be perfect; there is always space for improvement. The important view is not from the stage but…
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the p cubed logo and my email address if you want to discuss these videos with me

Sometimes it is easy just to talk about “doing stuff” but actually the proof of concept is in seeing some of my output. These videos can give you a clearer idea of what this site aims to do, and what…
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Where are your slides?

A great presentation is the product of three parts, the presentation (p1), the presentation (p2) and the presentation (p3). Or is it? Can one deliver a great presentation without a p2? Probably. @ffolliet or just ditch #powerpoint all together and…
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The Greatest Presentation in the World (tribute)

As titles of talks go, that is something to live up to. I was privileged to speak recently at a big conference and THAT was the title of the talk they asked me to give; no pressure eh? The reality…
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Pictures don’t need titles

Imagine a beautiful picture, perhaps a sunset or a portrait, destroyed by patronising words on top of it. If a picture requires words to render it comprehensible the image is poorly chosen. If the intent of the image is clear,…
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