Search Results for: be the change

Number of Results: 183

reflections on failure

So, I stepped onto the stage to give a Keynote presentation having checked and run through the whole IT setup, twice. The IT guy pressed the button to swap from the Conference backdrop to my presentation and launched…absolutely nothing, just…
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Look ’em in the eye.

The best way to reduce your nervousness on the day of your talk is to look the audience in the eye. Preparation is essential and will deliver the majority of speakers to a point on the day of relative confidence;…
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Ok, hands up who DIDN’T fall for it?

The last blogpost was written and published 2 days ago. On the 1st of the month. On the 1st day in April… I know some folk view me as some sort of leader in presentation thought (for which I thank…
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Design- going retro is hip.

Slide design (p2) changes with time. Consider today and what is regarded as the norm for a slide and then consider how “Presenter” (powerpoint) started back before the Internet. At times design throws us back to a time when things…
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A little sadness

Perhaps the saddest comment I have heard related to #presentationskills was one junior colleague saying to another; “what he suggests is interesting, but I wouldn’t do it for an important presentation.” Of course I recognise the privileged position I am…
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A red rectangle doesn’t make things clearer

A bad data slide is not made better by adding a red rectangle. It appears to be the latest fashion in presentations. Clearly some folk have “found” the animation function but the reality is that simply using a red rectangle…
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On speaking to a wider audience. Do

There is increasing recognition that a presentation delivered is not solely for the value of the audience present. Clearly, if the message has value, it should move from the auditorium into wider circulation. The aim of a presentation is to…
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I’ve SEEN things you people wouldn’t believe..

The first post on this blogsite was 15/iii/2013. This week the hit count passed 100,000. I know about half of those are my Dad but thank you to the rest of you for your interest over the years. It has…
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New Year’s Resolution

The new year is upon us and by now most of the resolutions will have slipped by like the flood water. It’s not too late though to make that decision to change your life, to give up a ridiculous and…
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Just add pictures

The same image cropped in different ways can convey a completely different meaning. Illustration in a presentation is not simply about “adding a picture“. There are simple tricks that can significantly add to the impact of an image. Consider the…
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