Search Results for: be the change

Number of Results: 179

The sigmoid curve of preparation

sigmoid curve

The (perceived) overall value of a presentation, the p cubed value, is based on the product of the story (p1), the supportive media (p2) and the delivery of this (p3). Mathematically I wonder if the relationship between the p cubed value…
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It’s alright for you, you’re gifted

I have been working and thinking deeply on presentations now for nearly 8 years now. Please read this post on why it is preZENtationskills. It is humbling to be invited to speak on this topic at various events and I…
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It’s for you…

There’s a great post over on at giving an impassioned plea from audiences in scientific meetings about what “powerpoint” is doing to medical conferences and how changing it makes a massive difference. Yet still the call from those who oppose…
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Seven Deadly Sin of Presentations

No matter how amazing your research is, how life changing your story was, how impressive your business case is, if you commit any of the following deadly sins in the construction and delivery of your presentation it will not received…
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Simple design tip #1

Justify your title, don’t center it. I know that’s what the template does but that means there are probably 20 million just like it being delivered today. The centre justification draws the eyes into the middle of the slide and…
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Performance anxiety

My recent trip to a scientific conference allowed me to muse on many things including presentation skills. Most disappointing was not the standard of presentations constructed but the issues of poor delivery (p3) It is not enough to have a…
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One message per slide

In the last blogpost I suggested the best place to start improving #presentationskills is by deleting the slide set. The rationale behind that statement was not to suggest that presentations should be done without supportive media but in order for…
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Delete your slides

I received a question via Twitter about #presentationskills and where I might focus beginning the journey of improvement. As with so many things, the more I considered the issue the deeper the answer became. I think a good place to…
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Design affects function

Simple design changes in the supportive media  make dramatic differences to the audience’s perception of value in a presentation. The overall value of a presentation (p cubed) is the product of the story (p1) x the supportive media (p2) x…
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Never say, “I’m sorry.”

There is no place in a presentation for apologies. There should be nothing in your preparation that would cause you to apologise and nothing in your delivery that you should apologise for. Apologies are an expression of contrition and of…
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