Your script

Your script is what you want to say. You should write out precisely what you want to say and edit it until perfect.You should never read your script nor attempt to memorise it. You should put away to your script…
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every great presentation is the product of its message (p1), the supportive media (p2) and the delivery of that (p3).
Your script is what you want to say. You should write out precisely what you want to say and edit it until perfect.You should never read your script nor attempt to memorise it. You should put away to your script…
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Great presentations are in the eye of the beholder. Not everyone agrees on what makes a great presentation any more than they agree on the best film (Gregory’s Girl), best alt-folk/modern-Americana band (The Barr Brothers) or best Paediatric Surgical Department…
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Scuba divers have one, sky divers have one, do you have a presentation buddy? There’s no two ways about it, presentations can be as scary and perceived as life threatening as both those extreme sports. To reduce the dangers, add…
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Once again it is a pleasure and privilege to have had submitted, without prompting, another guest blog discussing personal experience with the p cubed concept. This comes from Alistair Hellewell, a Consultant Anaesthetist with a long-standing interest in Education, High Performance…
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The recent podcast started the discussion around sharing slides. I felt it would be helpful to expand upon some of the ideas in written format. All of this was sparked by a discussion from this tweet and the subsequent discussion….
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Version 1 of your presentation is never the best version. Most presenters, given the opportunity to revisit a presentation for another audience, make changes and deliver an improved version 2. Yet few make similar changes to version 1 before its…
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Voltaire, apparently, popularised this aphorism: “The enemy of good is perfect.” As with all good philospophy, the longer one thinks about such a concept, the deeper the understanding becomes. It is useful to consider this in the preparation, delivery and…
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What should I do watching a bad presentation? Sadly, with the desire to improve one’s presentations comes the realisation of how poor many presentations really are. With the connection that Twitter brings and the ability to receive wisdom from conferences far…
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Hysteron proteron is a figure of speech, probably inherited from the Greeks, where the object that should come second is put in first place; “to put the horse before the cart.” Another example would be preparing the supportive media (p2) for a…
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It is humbling to see the p cubed ideas being taken up and shared by others. A recent blogpost by a twitter friend Shane Gryzko reiterates a valuable point: there is more to a practise than simply repetition. Practise needs to be…
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