Tag Archive: audience needs

The best title slide blogpost, ever (ii)

How does one arrive at a great title for a great title slide? With difficulty. It is the culmination of consideration of the audience needs, the “so what” of your data, the storyboard, the elevator pitch and the sparklines within…
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What makes a great presentation?

I recently saw a tweet from someone at a conference with a picture of a frankly horrible slide accompanied by the tagline, “X just gave a great presentation.” Have you ever wondered what makes a “great” presentation? There are presentations…
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The best title slide blogpost, ever (i)

The title of your presentation must stimulate interest even before you start speaking. If the title slide is full of words and useless information it is likely you will have lost the audience at that point. A great presentation has…
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What is the optimum number of slides in a presentation?

Whats the optimum number of minutes per slide and words per slide for a presentation? @ffolliet I’ve always used 1 min/slide and 4-6 x 4-6. — David Warriner (@doctordiscodave) December 11, 2015 None. No slides. So no words.There is no…
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If you are just presenting data, don’t bother.

If you are just presenting data, don’t bother. The data of your presentation (p1) is much better presented in a document. It lasts longer, may be reviewed at an individual’s own pace and allows for detailed and fulsome interpretation. In…
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The sigmoid curve of preparation

sigmoid curve

The (perceived) overall value of a presentation, the p cubed value, is based on the product of the story (p1), the supportive media (p2) and the delivery of this (p3). Mathematically I wonder if the relationship between the p cubed value…
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Seven Deadly Sin of Presentations

No matter how amazing your research is, how life changing your story was, how impressive your business case is, if you commit any of the following deadly sins in the construction and delivery of your presentation it will not received…
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Performance anxiety

My recent trip to a scientific conference allowed me to muse on many things including presentation skills. Most disappointing was not the standard of presentations constructed but the issues of poor delivery (p3) It is not enough to have a…
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That’s a paper, not a slide

As conference season gets into full swing more and more presenters are showing audiences that their thoughts are built upon previous work. That is often very important. What is not necessary is to show a screenshot of that journal article….
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How to “do” a short teaching session

One of the challenges of any talk is the wide experience of the audience. The same is true in writing this blog. I recently was privileged to be interviewed by @ccpractitioner for a blog post on presentation for beginners at http://www.criticalcarepractitioner.co.uk/…
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