
Exactly what is it that the presentation is about? That is the story. The conversion of that into a message is what separates a great presentation from the others.

Advocacy needs more than numbers

advocacy requires more than numbers

The story of Ignaz Semmelweiss should be encouragement to many presenters that advocacy needs more than numbers to persuade audiences. Data alone, despite the underlying belief of many audiences, is not enough. Data requires context, connection and perspective. The skill…
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Three obstacles

three obstacles

A useful tool in preparing a presentation is to consider the principal three obstacles an audience may have to accept the intended message. A great presentation has a single message but an audience requires to be persuaded. Sadly, even providing…
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structure helps


Structure helps both the presenter and the audience. It underpins the message, the media and the delivery. Structure is essential. Without structure a presentation is challenging to deliver, seldom has impact and is easily forgotten; the value will be lost,…
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p1 is not a story, but the story.

p1 is the story not a story

Every presentation is made up of three parts; p1 the story, p2 the supportive media and p3 the delivery. p1 is not “a” story, once upon a time or somesuch, p1, “the” story is the data of the piece converted…
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Less is more. Again

less is more

Less is more. “Clean, uncluttered lines” is a design motif that appeals aesthetically. The same should be applied to the story (p1). More words, more facts, more explanation does not make more clarity, rather the converse. The aim should be to deliver…
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It’s not a shaggy dog story

Intro. Waffle waffle waffle, essential and potentially key interesting information. Waffle waffle waffle. Facts. Waffle waffle waffle. Build up with more key information. Waffle waffle waffle. Punchline. A great presentation is better than a shaggy dog story; it should make…
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What’s it all about?

Can you tell me, in ONE sentence, what your presentation is all about? if you can’t you don’t know what it is about.This picture shows four of the riders on The Tour de France yesterday. We can see King of…
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What is the best, new tool in presentations?

An interesting post at The Harvard Business Review on Presentations discusses other new and exciting tools that may help in effective presentations. Sadly, I think they miss the point completely. “Guns don’t kill: bulletpoints do” is a tagline I use…
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Changing your slides won’t improve your presentation. (much)

Too often I hear people say, “I really liked your presentation, I’m going to change my slides.” Whilst on one level I rejoice, it is not that bulletpoints themselves offend but there is so much more than just that.Our presentations,…
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Painting with words

She looked into my eyes, begging, imploring me. She had walked in obviously frightened. She was desperate. We both knew the only question she was wanted me to answer: it had all been building up to this, unspoken and yet explicit….
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