
Detailed guides on How To Do A Presentation #htdap

This section contains Individual posts that have step by step guides on #htdap (how to do a presentation) for various types of presentations. Each posts contains detailed explanations with links to posts that deal with specific topics in more detail. The commonest types of presentations are listed below. If you would like to understand more, get in touch, follow @ffolliet on twitter or send an email.


How to do a presentation

How to do a Presentation (storify)

Top 10 Tips on How to Do a Presentation

How to do a Scientific Presentation

How to do a Pechakucha

How to do a Teaching Session

How to do a Case Based Discussion Presentation

How to do an Interview Presentation


My First Teaching Session

my first teaching session

I appreciate that sometime the comments on the site relate to more major presentations such as keynote and large scientific conferences. The challenge of How To Do A Presentation #htdap has been covered in a few specific posts before ;…
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A scientific presentation at BBTS Conference

conference logo

Think of the best scientific presentation you have watched. It captured your interest as soon as it began, asked a question pertinent to your specific needs and proceeded to succinctly answer that question leaving you with a purpose to change…
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This is a document. I am reading it. Out.

If you turn on the radio, you can tell immediately whether the piece is a news broadcast or an interview or the presenter speaking directly to you. The reason is that we speak differently to the way we write. One…
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I was invited recently to give a presentation. I recorded and annotated the process of preparation using storify and twitter. The results can be seen  https://storify.com/ffolliet/how-to-do-a-presentation If you have thoughts or comments please join the conversation.

Plan analogue

A major step forward in improving presentations is creative planning. The majority of presentations delivered are constructed within the presentation software; data is simply entered, re-organised and read out. The key to a successful presentation is in planning the message….
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How to “do” a short teaching session

One of the challenges of any talk is the wide experience of the audience. The same is true in writing this blog. I recently was privileged to be interviewed by @ccpractitioner for a blog post on presentation for beginners at http://www.criticalcarepractitioner.co.uk/…
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How to “do” a presentation #htdap

How to do a presentation is an ordered list. Please follow the steps, in order. I think you’ll find the result both illuminating and rewarding. There are lots of links to other posts that deal with the issues in a…
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Conformity for success? or not?

A recent email discussion highlighted a problem with improving presentations skills; some people don’t like change. It is clear that the current approach of “death by powerpoint” is ubiquitous. What is unclear is that those who express an opinion on…
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PechaKucha :Twenty, 20 sec tips.

I recently had the opportunity to present at a PechaKucha event. The word itself means “chitchat” in Japanese and is a presentation format with a strict structure; twenty slides, each moving forward automatically after twenty seconds. I thought I would…
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I know what you are saying is right, it’s just that…

The Sensei, Garr Reynolds, recently blogged about the discussion around scientists being terrible communicators. It’s true, we are! And probably we are actually taught to be as bad as we are. He does have a message of hope though, Jean…
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