p cubed

A presentation is made of three component parts; the story (p1), the supportive media (p2) and the delivery of these (p3). The value of a presentation is the product of these three factors, the p cubed value.

The three components are discussed in more depth in their individual sections. This section deals with the p cubed value, the product of preparation, design, and delivery.

Some key posts include:

Your presentation is the product of its parts (The FIRST blog post)

The maths of a better presentation

Don’t put the cart before the horse

The p cubed value of a presentation

My Boss won’t like it…

This isn’t another post persuading you to give up bulletpoints; if you’ve come this far and still cling to them, then you are deluded. This is a post about why it can be difficult to give better presentations. Sadly, not…
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The perfect handout

I was watching a colleague preparing a presentation the other day. (I know, it took all that was within in me but I did just sit and watch. Oh, okay, inwardly I was in turmoil but he seemed happy in…
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It’s an important meeting I have lots of facts to deliver I didn’t have time People expect it It’s my script I need it for confidence I can print it off as a handout I don’t care I think it…
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What sort of presenter are you?

One of the tests of a descriptive model such as the p cubed concept (p3) (that a good presentation is a combination (the product) of the story (p1), the supportive media (p2) and the delivery (p3)) is that it bears…
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Changing your slides won’t improve your presentation. (much)

Too often I hear people say, “I really liked your presentation, I’m going to change my slides.” Whilst on one level I rejoice, it is not that bulletpoints themselves offend but there is so much more than just that.Our presentations,…
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Read these.

33 blog posts, about 80 page views a day and over 6500 total views suggest that some folk are interested in what is being written about here. It is a huge disappointment that there has been no discussion raised yet and actually…
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“Caught up within a single style of visual presentation.”

The previous post alluded to the fact that the fault for bad presentations does not lie with the presentation software. The master of presenting data and information, Edward Tufte, has erudite thoughts on the matter. “Powerpoint is like being trapped…
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Design matters

I know design matters but I don‘t know much about such things so I asked Nicole Gugger, a presentation professional to share some of her insights and expertise in this first guest blog posting.I´ve been asked “does design matter”? The…
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One change for dramatic improvement. (you won’t do it!)

I’m rather hoping that frequent visitors to the blog will have taken to heart some of the important concepts of presentation. Perhaps my deepest insight has been the p3 concept. The success in delivering the message of “the presentation” can be…
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Don’t put the cart before the horse.

To develop presentations, one must move away from the concept of looking at the text on a slide and asking how can this be improved by reduction and illustration. This is putting the horse before the cart. Change will only come…
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