Presenting using the p cubed method: A lesson in educational liberation

Presenting using the P cubed method: A lesson in educational liberation via @wordpressdotcom
— Ken Spearpoint (@K_G_Spearpoint) February 1, 2015

It is always lovely to hear praise and good feedback and I am especially grateful to Ken Spearpoint  @K_G_Spearpoint at The Resuscitation Panopticon blog for the following post detailing his experiences and thoughts after he worked at changing his presentation style. The following blog post is copied from his blog with permission.

“The adoption of the Ross Fisher’s inspirational model of presenting (presentation cubed podcast) and the decision to move away from using bullet-pointed, text-based presentations required a leap of faith. After years of being psychologically dependant upon reams of text prompts, quotes and references (interweaved with the odd graphic / picture / cartoon) the re-writing of established slide sets for the academic MSc programme that I direct presented a further, significant challenge. I wrestled with the fear that I would not remember all of the details, that I would miss key gems of information and I worried that the students would see things the same, that I would somehow fail to deliver the requisite learning outcomes.
I say this with a modicum of self-awareness in that I have always thought of myself as a reasonably flamboyant, slightly extrovert and passionate presenter, however the P-cubed principle gave me an additional burst of confidence, sufficient to take the risk.
Well, after having delivered a number of P-cubed presentations in recent weeks I have to say the experience has been liberating. I have felt free, unshackled and de-restricted. My worries about recalling the detail were ill-founded, I certainly knew my material, furthermore I felt that I was able to put it across in a much more interesting and student-centred way. I did retain one or two text-based slides, which were focussed upon, in context, with the themes that were running through the subject area. The whole process seemed even more interactive, the students were involved and more participatory than usual, none of them (as far as I could tell) were nodding off or seeking alternative entertainment in the comfort of their smartphones and judging by the informal feedback, the intended learning outcomes were more than adequately met. I was exhausted, but the experience was educationally exhilarating. And…I will be doing this all again on Tuesday.
Many thanks to @ffolliett @inject_orange and @ccpractitioner “

Thanks Ken!

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